Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 Small Comforts today

Of course, Covid-19 has affected us all, and I'm not going to address the differences in today and a year ago. But here are some things that have meaning to me today.

1. A cup of Chamba chai, iced, in the morning.  

2. Phone calls with my family, which have increased during these 2020 days.

3. My Birds of a Feather calendar by Geninne D. Zlatkis.  Love this, and love her designs, and love her artwork and love her photographs.  But this is the first year I've gotten a planner from her.

4. My handy pocket camera - aka smart phone. It is such a treat to be able to quickly and easily photograph my world

5. The deer family, hummingbird family, and rabbits that visit us daily.

Enough for today. I'm trying to get the DH to do the same.  We were talking about lists and how our daily lists today would be so different from 20 years ago.  Wish we had those! They do give a look into what's important in our lives.

What daily comforts have you found today? I would love to know. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Well, back in the saddle..

Aargh! - Old post from 2013 - updated...

With some encouragement (thanks wild courage soul sisters), I'm going to get back to posting things that I care about that make me happy.  So here was a lovely day last weekend with Bob and grandson Nathaniel at Lockett Meadows north of Flagstaff.
Bob and grandson Nathaniel

We drove up the road which had been closed the last time we were there.  Talk about a steep narrow (one lane) road!  But we made it.  I was driving so the guys were on the side of the downhill side of the mountain - looking out over the side of the truck at where we would fall if I got a little too close to the edge.  They were very brave!

Nathaniel and I took a hike - him up to the top of the mountain where he could see all the way to the Grand Canyon.  I took a short hike and returned to the parking lot where I sat and sketched for about an hour.  How lovely!  How calming!  This was the first time in a long, long time I had sketched outdoors.  Here is a preview of a drawing I started.  Brand new watercolor set I had only used a few times. And I'll see if I can put the more complete (not complete by any means, though) sketch next to it.  I'm just getting warmed up. 

Well, it takes me a very long time to get warmed up! Like seven years!  Started this a long time ago, and decided to dust it off.  Changing the name, blah blah blah.  

Anyway, enjoy.  Love to all.  g.